Source: Naomi McArdle
Tenaka's colourful debut EPonymously Titled hit ears across Ireland in early January and has since gathered steady acclaim from musical camps across the country. Known as Ronan Carroll in the real world and hailing from Limerick but residing in Galway, the mind behind our latest electronica love-affair offered to share his thoughts and passions with a SoundTrack of his own.
Drop-D: Can you pigeonhole your tastes into one particular genre or do your preferences spread through an array of influences?
Tenaka: I think a few years ago I probably could have pigeonholed my tastes in music, being a fan of bands like Oasis, The Beatles and Radiohead. All the obvious choices really. That all changed when I heard Radiohead's Kid A. I vividly remember the day I played it for the first time and thinking "I've no idea what you'd call this style of music but it's exactly what I've been looking for..." I'd always been a huge music fan but had never actively sought new music so the radio was my main and limited source of new bands. Kid A was complemented by Four Tet's Pause shortly afterwards and I was hooked. It opened my eyes to the diversity and originality of new music available and it felt like a darkness had lifted. I finally had ears.
Drop-D: What triggered your musical infatuation? Was it a certain band/person/style/age?
Tenaka: I think it had to be that Kid A moment. It really was defining and certainly shaped me as a person. Finding a deeper love of music and expression frees you from every-day stresses. It opens your eyes to the important things in life.
Clicky Clicky for the rest of the interview
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