Artist: Benjamin Escoriza
Source: David Lynch
The slippery, icy footpaths and cutting east wind seemed a million miles away as Benjamin Escoriza and his companions took to the stage at the Button Factory last Friday. With the predominantly Spanish audience and the Spanish on-stage banter one could easily imagine that they were watching the gig in a smoky bar in Tarifa- the town in the southernmost region of Spain, and only a few miles from North Africa, where Escorizas' previous band Radio Tarifa formed their musical identity.
The former lead vocalist is ploughing a similar furrow to Radio Tarifa, who sadly parted ways in 2006, except that he places slightly more emphasis on flamenco. In fact some of his old band mates lent a hand to Escoriza on his debut solo album Alevanta and as tonight's performance showed if it aint broke don't fix it.
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