Artist: Robotnik
Source: Paul Murphy
It's been a while since we last heard from Chris Morrin(AKA)RobotniksoDrop-dgot in touch to catch up and see if he enjoyed Blue Balls, his current affection for Pat the Baker and getting to meet the men behind national heros Zig and Zag.We've also got the Pat the Baker video at the bottom of the artcile
Drop-d: How have you been? Did you have a good Christmas and New Year's?
Chris: To be bluntly honest I'm feeling OK, Christmas was jammed packed with personal ups and downs. That's life huh? I love Christmas. It's always good to see the family and spend time with them. On New Year's Eve I was glad to see 2009 pop its head in the door. HELLO!Drop-d: When we last spoke, back in July, you were packing your bags to head of to Switzerland for the Blue Balls festival. Did you manage to get out into the crowd during the festival shows for part of your performances or bring a catapult for water balloons?
Chris: Yeah I got into the crowd, I always do. Doing the festival in Switzerland was an incredible experience, playing in front of a couple of thousand people, selling CDs, getting paid for it and being put up in a snazy 5-star hotel. It was really surreal and something I'll never forget. Having said that, big hotels are kind of lame and lonely, full of wannabes in my opinion. I'm just not use to it I suppose.
Drop-d: How has the news of the closure of Road Records hit you?
Chris: Did it close down? I had no idea. Oh well, that's business. Two points do come to mind: 1) Recession and; 2) Free torrent downloading.
Clicky Clicky for the rest of the Interview
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