Source: Brendan Morgan
"I'm still on one', Altern-8's defiant response to the police at the now legendary Shelley's Car Park Rave in Stoke circa 1992. Judging by tonight's DJ performance, they still are.
In the early 90s Altern-8 came to the fore as the court jesters of rave; pranksters in boiler suits and masks with tunes as big and their stunts. While king clowns The KLF fired blanks at audiences and burned unthinkable amounts of cash, Altern-8's myths were never about anarchy or art. Mark Archer and Chris Peat were mascots for the ecstasy generation; cartoon characters who doubled sales of Vicks Vapo Rub (they smeared it on their masks claiming it enhanced ecstasy), ran for general election (and didn't finish last) and held countless unofficial raves across Britain on the back of an articulated lorry- all-the-while manipulating and exploiting the media's misunderstanding of club culture.
Clicky for the rest of the article.
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