Artist: Various Artists
Source: Colm Cullen
Don’t buy this, it’s arse. Right. Now that’s out of the way, on with the rant….
Most of this album will end up in some Lindsay Lohan movie, or a “loser gets a babe coz he’s, like, not really a loser’ piece of crap. This is purely about who they sound like and being radio-friendly. That seems to be Rhino’s(the record company behind it) plan anyway, and fair enough – it is a business after all. And misery is definitely the business they’re in. Bar a handful of tracks, you wonder why the fuck you’re wasting your life listening to this drivel.
There’s not enough quality here, and there’s sure as hell not enough originality. Artists like (and no, they’re not on here) Johnny Cash, Zeppelin, Sabbath, Beatles, or Elvis all took what was there before, and moved it forward. I’m not looking for the new Chuck Berry; just a spark of originality would be nice. Bar the standout tracks, no-one here will invent a whole new sound like Berry did. Too many of them are just plagiarising what is popular on American radio.
For fuck’s sake – be original! I’m not even saying I’ll like their originality, but at least they’d be trying. I’d respect them for that. Some of these bands are complete dross. If I said what I really thought about some of these, I’d probably be in court for the next 5 years.
Don’t get me wrong – good luck to any band that can get a record deal but has it become that fuckin’ easy ?
Clicky Clicky for the rest of the article
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