The best thing to come outta Wales, except for Katherine Kenkins Super Furry Animals will release a new album on March 16 digitally via Superfurry.com, followed by a full physical release on April 21.
In a statement the band said of the album: Musically its based around riffs and grooves we have been playing around with over the last few years. We have enough now for a whole album so even though it is still very melodic we thought we could leave off the acoustic ballads for the time being.
"Its recognisable as a melodic SFA record, but is very focused musically as a cohesive album. And no country rock as Daf [Ieuan, drums] has developed a pedal steel phobia. Which has confined the great Nashvillian instrument along with the saxophone to the banned instrument directive of the SFA board. Theres only one slow number, which isn t slow at all."
The working tracklisting of the album is:
The Very Best Of Neil Diamond
White Socks/Flip Flops
Inaugural Trams
Sounds Familiar
Cardiff In The Sun
Where Do You Wanna Go?
LLiwiau LLachar
Moped Eyes
Crazy Naked Girls
Here is a video too, and it has that fat bloke from The IT Crowd
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